Always Believe~

7 years ago my sister and I were homeless in LA. We slept in our car, shacked up at a friends who had bed bugs and cockroaches, stayed on the street in an rv in the ghetto of EAST LA and Kessa even had to shower on skid row.

We lived in our car and out of a storage unit that was 45 minutes away from were we were. We didn’t have jobs or any schooling.

What we did have were DREAMS! We had each other! and We had HOPE and we BELIEVED in ourselves.

Today, I am a here building my dream and my sister owns a farm. We both have homes and full lives.

It is not easy, it never was and it never will be but, achieving your dreams is worth every hard time you come across.

Never give up on yourself. Your dreams are inside you for a reason.

Wake up, get up and get going….


Chow for now, L