Being Bipolar~


Being Bipolar

Being bipolar doesn’t stop. It doesn’t go away because the sun came out. It doesn’t care if you want be happy when it wants to be sad. It doesn’t care if you are trying to be balanced when it wants to tip the boat.

Being bipolar is scary. It’s unpredictable. It’s life threatening. It has it’s own mind and soul and decides when and how the ride will go.

Being bipolar is exhausting. It’s a fight, a battle you are up against everyday. You might wake and be sad or be so happy your’e in flight. Nothing about this is ever right. You can’t make it go away, it’s there in your mind to stay. It makes you crash and burn. It spins your life out of control, just when you thought you were stable.

Being bipolar is like a roller coater ride you want off but, it never stops. It makes you fear things, takes your breath away and sometimes the high is so overwhelming you never want off!!! Suddenly though the ride slows, you go to get off but, you’re strapped in and the one controlling the ride laughs as you begin to go backwards.

Being bipolar makes you anxious. It makes you angry and violent. It grabs your soul and won’t let you go. It makes you hate and love so extreme it physically hurts.

Being bipolar is constant hell. It leaves you isolated. It tears every hope and dream from your mind only after it’s drug you through them…leaving you crushed, lonely and confused.

Being bipolar isn’t fair for the ones who love you. It drains their energy too. If your’e lucky enough they’ll stand by your side when everyone else runs. I’d run too if I could but, I can’t because there is no where to go…only to end it!

That is what it feels like for me Being bipolar.  I have great days too don’t get me wrong but, it’s not easy being me.

If you are or know someone that is bipolar, I hope this helped you.

Thanks for stopping by…

Chow for now, L

The Highs and Lows of Cooking and Life *Culinary Therapy*